Principle Trial - PE

Jan 31, 12:13 PM

I was very pleased that early on the CMO and colleagues identified a need for primary care studies.  So we set up with colleagues in Oxford University what was called the Principle [Platform Randomised Trial of Treatments in the Community for Epidemic and Pandemic Illnesses] study, and we set up the Principle study which was going to be and was very successfully completed a study of lots of different drugs of patients in primary care with early Covid – these were not patients going into hospital, and the plan was to prevent them going into hospital by treating them at home in the community… We rapidly appealed to GP colleagues to help us.  We knew we were going to need thousands of patients in the study… We had hundreds of GP practices, over that weekend in the middle of March when it all started to kick off – March 2020 – hundreds of practices volunteered… The Principle study set the way for doing a research study in general practice in the middle of a pandemic.