Jan 31, 12:49 PM

Of course, the majority of vaccines are delivered in primary care, and they have been all the way along, and actually, the common sense and the understanding the practicalities and how it will all be viewed by the profession has been really important…  Myself and possibly the lay person on the, on the JCVI are very practically orientated, and I think that helps shape key decisions because they’re, often these decisions, they’re not based purely, purely on the rigour of the science, but it’s a mixture of science and practicality.  So, so I think it’s been really, really important to keep this committee grounded, and to help shape key decisions to, to have a GP on that committee, and I know that they appreciate it.  I think because I have been on it so long, I’m quite, and because I’ve, you know, I’m an academic myself, and published over 100 academic papers, and got credibility, um, I think I can combine that GP common sense with the science credibility and actually hold my own and know what to sway key arguments in the direction which I think they are best, best, they best go.  So, so, yeah, I think incredibly important to have a GP on the Committee – I think they always will have a GP on the Committee… It’s an interesting role, it’s an important role because we are a key advisory role to government.