#42 Why I’ve Ditched My Lead Magnets

Episode 42,   Sep 07, 2023, 05:10 AM

Lead magnets are things you get in exchange for your email address, and are widely used in marketing. I’ve decided to ditch mine, and in this episode I explain exactly why, and what I’m doing instead. 

The world of business has changed, and the way we all do business needs to change too. I believe leading with value and care will enhance your reputation and win you far more clients, than just playing a numbers game and treating people as statistics or data. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Why email is the best marketing tool you can use
  • How to market to your audience in a value-add way
  • Why scarcity tactics aren’t sustainable for the long-term
  • How to use automation with integrity 
  • How to find any disconnects in your business’ marketing
  • How to share free content that makes people want to work with you

To build a sustainable business you need to create value and connection. It’s more fun and it has more longevity, and will help your business grow now and forever.  

Resources in this episode: 

💌 Get weekly no-BS emails
🎢 Join Confidence to Grow
📔 Read Life In Business
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