Monday September 25, 2023: Scared Straight; Hotel Safety Protocol; Pro’s and Con’s of Adulthood

Sep 25, 2023, 01:53 PM

How do you dress when you go to work? In the radio world, casual dress is largely accepted, but what if you were an elected official? (:15)

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the NFL love story that’s dominating the headlines! (3:09)

Family squabbles are common, but if you’re on social media calling out your baby daddy drama, that’s all I need to know about you! (7:12)

Did you have a dumb argument this weekend? Raven was enjoying a fall fair, until he suddenly found himself in a debate about sausage! (10:37)

Everyone checks the price and reviews of a prospective hotel, but have you ever considered how safe it is? Former CIA and FBI agent Tracy Walder spoke to Anna and Raven about how to keep you and your family safe while traveling! (14:36)

Is it better to be an adult or a child? Anna found herself very jealous of her 4 year old the other day, so she decided to make a pros and cons list! (22:02)

Remember the “Scared Straight” program, where kids would be taken to jails to be lectured by the inmates? Anna watched some old clips and couldn’t believe how graphic they used to be, and it reminded her of the time her brother participated in one… (28:43)

Julianne takes her kids to the park everyday near her home. Last week a woman approached her and asked her to stop taking her dog to the park because her young child was afraid. Julianne doesn’t want to leave her dog at home, there’s no rules, no signs about dogs prohibited, it’s not her problem her child is fearful. Julianne’s husband disagrees, he thinks that since she’s seen her there many times, it’s only fair. The woman asked nicely, leave the dog at home. What would you do? (35:25)

Rita has got a shot at $300! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia! (44:46)