September 25, 2023, Create a 5-Day Challenge Mastermind | PRICING

Season 2, Episode 303,   Sep 25, 2023, 07:13 PM

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Creating your own mastermind, masterclass, or challenge is like pricing a lemonade stand in your neighborhood. You want to charge enough to buy more lemons and maybe even a cool lemonade dispenser, but not so much that your friends can't afford a glass. So, you've got to think about how juicy your lemonade is (how valuable your content is), how long your stand will be open (the program duration), and whether you'll give out any extra goodies like cookies with the lemonade (bonus resources). It's all about finding that sweet spot where everyone gets a refreshing glass of knowledge without breaking the bank!

Listen in as the girls talk about Kathy's new magazine, Cheri's new book, and Linda's programs. Kathy shares what, in her opinion, a perfect sales email looks like and the perfect short version landing page with a mid-level or second base price offer. 

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