Fatal Dose: Three Tales of Radiation Poisoning

Episode 10,   Mar 02, 2023, 02:48 AM

A child with a deadly capsule. A rich playboy who lost his jaw and then his life. A fuel plant worker who absorbed more radiation than anyone in history. 
We're telling three stories about one of the deadliest forms of energy and the people that shouldn't have gone near it. 
Listener discretion is advised
Enjoying the podcast? Follow @heartstartspounding on instagram. You can support the podcast on Patreon, or make a one time donation by buying Kaelyn a coffee while she researches at Buy Me A Coffee.
Heart Starts pounding is written and produced by Kaelyn Moore. Music by Artlist. Have a heart pounding story you’d like to share on the podcast? Email HeartStartsPounding@gmail.com

A child with a deadly capsule. A rich playboy who lost his jaw and then his life. A fuel plant worker who absorbed more radiation than anyone in history. 

We're telling three stories about one of the deadliest forms of energy and the people that shouldn't have gone near it. 

Listener discretion is advised


Enjoying the podcast? Follow @heartstartspounding on instagram. You can support the podcast on Patreon, or make a one time donation by buying Kaelyn a coffee while she researches at Buy Me A Coffee.

Heart Starts pounding is written and produced by Kaelyn Moore. Music by Artlist. Have a heart pounding story you’d like to share on the podcast? Email HeartStartsPounding@gmail.com