114 sleeps

Sep 30, 2023, 07:58 AM

"This piece is entirely derived from the original recording (Port of Lewis 14th Jun 2023 by Rod Dykeman) with all the pitched parts created by spectral processing of the original field recording. I was immediately drawn to this sound for two reasons #1: 114 (the number of the sound) has always been a favourite number and I have a large collection of photographs of this number where I have encountered it before. I have also made other pieces which use this number as titles/ material. #2: The location is a place that I visited many years ago and regretted not having a portable recorder with me at the time so when I found this it seemed perfect. The original recording play several times, each time various other things are added and taken away. Slowing down to a state of rest in the sound of the sea."

114 sleeps reimagined by Duncan Chapman. 

Part of the Music for Sleep project - for more information and to hear more sounds from the collection, visit https://citiesandmemory.com/music-for-sleep/