Relationship Check-in Questions

Episode 7,   Oct 02, 2023, 03:38 PM

1.) What are 5 things you appreciate about me?

2.) What are 5 things do you appreciate about our relationship? 

3.) Are there any issues you'd like to bring up or conflicts you'd like to revisit? 

4.) What would you like to receive from me this month? 

5.) What has brought you joy this week?

6.) What was hard this week?

7.) What is one specific thing I can do this week to support you?

8.) How is our sex life? What is your favorite and least favorite thing? 

9.) What dream, desire or thought has been on the forefront of your mind this week

10.) What do I contribute to your life?

11.) Is there a specific wish you have for the future?

12.) What attracted you to me in the beginning?

13.) What is a financial goal of yours?

14.) What is something you learned this week?

15.) What is the most pleasurable thing about our relationship? 

16.) What have I said or done this week that has made you feel loved? Unloved? 

17.) Is there any unresolved hurt or anything left unsaid? Anything that irritated you?