#46 Business Lessons From Disneyland Paris

Episode 46,   Oct 05, 2023, 05:00 AM

Disneyland Paris holds a certain magic, and remains incredibly popular, despite being a bit tatty and tired in places. It shows us that you don’t have to reinvent or redo, if your brand is strong. 

Today I share what Disney does really well, and what you can learn and implement in your own business. 

In this episode you’ll hear:
  • Why sticking to one thing and doing it well works
  • Why consistency brings about success
  • How to be clear about what your brand stands for
  • How to make working with you an experience not just a transaction
  • Why human connection matters so much
  • How to be visible and encourage conversation
  • Making tweaks to create a better experience for your clients

Making it easier for your ideal clients to connect with you, and know how to experience working with you. The easier you make it, the more happy clients you will have!  

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