Julie's Story

Episode 36,   Oct 15, 2023, 04:49 AM

This episode is available as a Vodcast episode on my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/FFX6wQJFhiQ

Joining me from Quebec, Canada is the lovely Julie.

Julie tells her story of getting a single polyurethane breast implant at the tender age of 17 and the debilitating list of symptoms that plagued her for 30 years.

Julie is a wealth of knowledge and is happy for women to reach out to her on her facebook page:

Julie has also provided the following list of surgeons with an interest in Breast Implant Illness:
Dr Lu-Jean Feng, Ohio. Expert and pioneer of explant by en-bloc or total capsulectomy - https://www.fengclinic.com/plastic-surgery-health-office-cleveland/medical-specialists/plastic-reconstructive-surgeon/

Dr H Chun, California. Expert of explant by en-bloc or total capsulectomy, even the very thin capsule.

Dr Shaher Khan, Michigan. Expert of explant by en-bloc or total capsulectomy.

Dr Jan Williem Cohen Tervaert, rheumatologist, Alberta. He diagnosed the ASIA illness (autoimmune (auto-inflammatory) syndrome induced by adjuvants) - https://apps.ualberta.ca/directory/person/cohenter

Dr Henry Dijkman ,Netherlands. Expert in research on silicone.

Dr Pierre Blais, analyst of breast implant failure. Ottawa, now retired - https://sites.google.com/site/siliconebreastimplantsorg/home/Science/researchers/dr-pierre-blais

She has also provided the following useful links:

Julie has also kindly provided photos of her capsule. If you are interested in seeing it, i have saved it in the following Google Drive Folder: