Out Now Bonus: October Hodgepodge 2023

Oct 17, 2023, 07:56 AM

On this bonus episode of Out Now with Aaron & Abe, the guys play a bit of catch-up, covering a variety of recent releases. There are thoughts on Wes Anderson’s short film adaptations of Roald Dahl stories, thoughts on Prime’s Kelce documentary, and talk of a couple of worthwhile courtroom dramas. We Live Entertainment’s Peter Paras also stops by to provide his two cents on the Taylor Swift concert film. Plus, a look back at Pacific Rim, thoughts on The Iron Claw trailer and how to spoil biopics, and, finally, a review for Hulu’s sci-fi home invasion flick, No One Will Save You. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill…

#WesAnderson #NoOneWillSaveYou #TaylorSwift #RoaldDahl #PacificRim #TheIronClaw #Kelce #TheCaineMutintyCourtMartial #AnatomyOfAFall #MonstersOfCalifornia #movie #film #entertainment #outnowpodcast #outnowwithaaronandabe