Chloe Hamilton from Dover gets the call she needed!

Episode 171,   Oct 20, 2023, 05:23 PM


kmfm has turned a wet Friday into a winning one for one Kent listener with their competition 'Thousand Pound Friday.'

Chloe Hamilton from Dover received a surprise call from Drivetime presenter, Rob Wills to tell her that they will be having £1,000 put into their bank account.

She revealed that the win has come at the right time as she has a car repair bill for exactly £1,000.

The monthly competition on Kent's Radio Station was a week early this month so listeners would know before half term if they were going to win.

Listeners can enter via text or online from Thursday 6pm with the winner revealed 24 hours later.

Listen to the moment Rob phoned Chloe with the good news

'Thousand Pound Friday' will return in November and there's more winning next week on kmfm Breakfast and Daytimes

Listen to kmfm here

kmfm has turned a wet Friday into a winning one for one Kent listener with their competition 'Thousand Pound Friday.'

Chloe Hamilton from Dover received a surprise call from Drivetime presenter, Rob Wills to tell her that they will be having £1,000 put into their bank account.

She revealed that the win has come at the right time as she has a car repair bill for exactly £1,000. 

The monthly competition on Kent's Radio Station was a week early this month so listeners would know before half term if they were going to win.

Listeners can enter via text or online from Thursday 6pm with the winner revealed 24 hours later.

Listen to the moment Rob phoned Chloe with the good news

'Thousand Pound Friday' will return in November and there's more winning next week on kmfm Breakfast and Daytimes

Listen to kmfm here