October 23, 2023, Fit As a Fiddle Plus | Interview with Julia Langley

Season 2, Episode 316,   Oct 23, 2023, 11:55 PM

To view the video version, please click on the link: https://youtu.be/VzUF9TzkTeE

Julia Langley helps speakers and coaches, overcome nervousness and fear to give Confident Commanding Keynotes so they get the big paydays they deserve land top-tier clients, and be recognized worldwide for their expertise. With over 15 years as a featured singer for Cirque du Soleil, she has performed on stages in over 20 different countries and all 50 States. 

In 2019, she was hit by a jeep while riding her bicycle leaving her with injuries that changed her life forever. Four surgeries later and a diagnosis of PTSD, Julia started from ground zero, and with courage and resilience got her life back on track. She believes she was given a second chance and has dedicated herself to empowering others to share their story and truly be the force they were born to be in this world.

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