This is how to unlock the clarity you've been searching for in your business

Episode 18,   Nov 01, 2023, 03:00 AM

If you’re not connected with yourself, you can’t be connected to your vision. This gets in the way of building and growing your business the way you want to, making the changes you might want to make in your own life, and having the impact you’re here to make. 

We’re firm believers in taking regular social media breaks as a way to reconnect with yourself and your intuition and reclaim the vision you have for your life and business.  

That’s why we’re running a  Social Media-Free Week Challenge where we’re inviting you to delete your social media apps for six days with us to reconnect with your intuition and reclaim your vision for your life and business. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Benefits of disconnecting from social media and the importance of making it a priority as an entrepreneur
  • How taking a break from social media can help you clarify and reconnect with your goals, values and the vision you have for your life and business
  • Resetting your approach to content creation in order to create more harmony and balance, and reduce overwhelm
  • Our love of Taylor Swift and the ah-ha moment we have about her approach to creativity & how you can leverage it for your own business.
  • Announcement of our upcoming Social Media-Free Week Challenge

Join the Social Media-Free Week Challenge at:

Access our free library of all of the journal prompts we've shared on the Supported CEO Podcast:

Join the conversation over on Instagram at: @supported_ceo