Behavioral Acting with Griffin Newman

Episode 20,   Nov 08, 2023, 06:30 AM

We're back with our first post-hiatus numbered episode and what a show we've got for you. Today we welcome actor, comedian, podcaster and our good friend Griffin Newman to the study group. Griffin walks us through his process as an actor, and what he calls behavioral acting—the use of secondary actions, latent desires, and bottled-up nervous energy to shape a performance and create a character that feels real. It's all about doing two or more things at once, and being as interesting as a cat.

On another important note, last week we told the story of the finding of the lost pages, and this week we actually debut the text of a lost page—PAGE 40—which we hope you enjoy!!

Coens covered: Burn After Reading, The Hudsucker Proxy, Fargo, The Big Lebowski

Plus: World War Z, Interview with a Vampire, The Tao of Steve, Jurassic Park 3D

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