Lost and found

Nov 08, 2023, 01:12 PM

Ann Telesz discusses shift in care that more post surgery care at home and her experience in home births as a GP:
Yes so can, could you say something about the shift um work or services from hospital to primary care. Can you say anything about that?
Yes, I mean,  a major shift is, is with uh postoperative are of patients with acute conditions in their homes. Using outreach teams but with a general practitioner being responsible. Yeah, I mean I think, I think that's been a very important shift. Um even say in maternity people going home two days after a caesarean section into the community not, that the GPs necessarily that much involved with them, but they would be the backup if there were concerns.
So when, can you say if you were involved with maternity care then?
Oh in maternity care yes  it was a lovely part of our work when so when we were first doing maternity care we would go and visit patients routinely for their postnatal care. Obviously because we were paid for it as well, but we would go as soon as possible after they'd had their baby and then make another two visits as well as then inviting them in for their six week check. And that gave an opportunity to really get to know the family.  I was also involved with intrapartum care. We had responsibility for beds at the local hospital [interviewee confirms this was Whipps Cross Hospital], the maternity unit for  the lower risk part of it and so if one of our patients had their baby we'd go in and see them and, you know, just check everything was alright. Check the baby over and then do the discharge check as well, but all then went.
Can, can you say way?
Uh finance
Uh we were no longer paid. We could still claim for maternity care even if we hadn't visited the patients at home and so it was not thought it was an appropriate use of our time as a practice to be doing that rather than other things.
Can you say whether or not you were involved in home deliveries?
Phew, uh the only ones I did, I mean, yes is the answer to that, so yes in terms of supervising uh the midwives who did them, but also I did end up being called out of surgery, just at the end of surgery one morning and arriving and doing the delivery, you know, finding the car outside the house with uh the doors open, front door of the house open, the women lying on the bed and the only thing that I would say, cause I don't like drama, but I did manage to make sure they, that we got a towel to put under her and told the husband to go and put the kettle on and then delivered the baby and then the ambulance people turned up a bit later. Midwife turned up a bit later by which time the husband was, held his car torch over my shoulder and I put a stitch or two in and there we were. But that was it you know, that was my, I didn't do hands on home deliveries as a matter of course.
Yeah, I think planned deliveries weren't being done at home.
Well planned deliveries were.
So, so, who was doing those?
The midwives, independent, with our supervision yeah, yeah