TONIGHT: The show begins in the wider war around Gaza, in Yemen with Houthis, in Syria and Iraq with Tehran militias, in Lebanon with Hezbollah. Then to India and the antisemitic Muslin provocateurs. From WeWork to Jerusalem, from Gaza to London, from the

Nov 10, 2023, 02:36 AM

TONIGHT: The show begins in the wider war around Gaza, in Yemen with Houthis, in Syria and Iraq with Tehran militias, in Lebanon with Hezbollah. Then to India and the antisemitic Muslin provocateurs. From WeWork to Jerusalem, from Gaza to London, from the Red Sea to cybersecurity, from Dagestan to Belgrade with Ivana Stradner. Final attention to the stalemate in Ukraine and the hurricane catastrophe in Acapulco that weakens AMLO.

1951 Galilee