Normalizing the Conversation: How Captains Can Support their Crew's Psychological Health.

Nov 16, 2023, 05:33 PM

Dive into a transformative episode within the yachting realm, unraveling the intrinsic connection between physical and mental health. A neuroscientist's insights shed light on this vital link, extending the conversation to the unique challenges faced by captains.

Explore the call for vulnerability in leadership, addressing mental health stigma, and the captain's journey through loneliness and self-consciousness. This discourse advocates for open discussions and support within the yachting community.

Transition to the maritime initiative,, born from yachting tragedies, normalizing mental health dialogue. Discover free tools, a helpline, and educational resources fostering crew well-being and professional growth, backed by industry support.

Subscribe now for a journey toward a healthier, more connected yachting community.
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