St. Pete Catalyst: Arts Alive! podcast w/ Bill DeYoung: Artist Derek Donnelly 11-20-23

Season 1, Episode 6851,   Nov 20, 2023, 03:46 PM

A longtime member in good standing of one of Pinellas County’s most exclusive clubs – professional mural artists – Derek Donnelly is today’s guest on the Arts Alive! podcast.

Painting the Hiatus Hotel. Photo provided.
In this freewheeling, fascinating conversation, Donnelly recaps the origins of the St. Pete mural scene, going back to the mid-00s, when there was nothing much going on downtown. He was one of a dedicated core group that decided to change that up by painting the town red – and blue, and yellow, green et cetera.

And the work continues. This week, he’s completing the largest mural of his career, a commercial job on two massive exterior walls of the towering Hiatus Hotel, on Clearwater Beach. #Derek Donnelly #billDeYoung #stpetectalyst #murals #Tampabay #radio #radiostpete