How to become a Paramedic in the USA... a Step by Step Guide to Applying w/ Neil Noble from Australia EMS
This week we have a chat to Neil Noble from Australia EMS. In the past we have spoken to the team from Australia EMS about the student tours that they have done, the Paramedic Education Australia student and paramedic CPD/education and previous recruitment drives for America. Applying for a paramedic job in the USA has never been easier with this comprehensive application and recruitment process.
Australia EMS Recruitment Link
Australia and USA are on opposite sides of the recruitment crises. Some of the skills that you may up-skill in include:
Endotracheal Intubation
Transcutaneous Pacemaking
Mechanical Ventilation
Intraosseous Infusions
Intravenous Infusions including external jugular vein catheterization
USA-approved paramedic medications & administration routes, calculations, etc.
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