A Man's Skin (Peau d'Homme)

Episode 192,   Dec 01, 2023, 07:01 AM

This week we review the French bandes dessinée that Daniel brought back from his travels, A Man's Skin. Bianca is eighteen and her marriage to Giovanni has been arranged. She’s only seen him once but would like to get to know her husband before they’re wed. Her grandmother offers to let Bianca stay with her, to teach her about life and men a bit. But it’s not lessons she has in mind, instead her grandmother shows Bianca the secret of the women in their family, they have a man’s skin that they can put on and become a man for a bit. They call him Lorenzo.

News 2:11

A Man's Skin (Peau d'Homme) 13:04

Back Matter Matters 40:45

The Pull-List 47:40

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