COP28: The push to phase out fossil fuels

Dec 07, 2023, 09:11 PM

As global leaders meet at the UN climate conference this week in Dubai, El Hierro, a tiny island in the Canaries, is halfway to the UN goal of ditching fossil fuels. But finding just the right renewable energy mix is proving tough. And, inside Hamas, the Shura Council is the main consultative body that chooses a leader in their politburo. We learn about Hamas leadership and how their command structure operates. Also, a recent hack of the genetic testing company 23andMe has left millions of people around the world with their personal data available online. Plus, a missionary's ill-fated mission. Our listener-funded newsroom can’t run without your support. Will you give today (!/donation/checkout?c_src=Referral&c_src2=episode-notes) to keep our newsroom running strong and help us earn a $67,000 match?

As global leaders meet at the UN climate conference this week in Dubai, El Hierro, a tiny island in the Canaries, is halfway to the UN goal of ditching fossil fuels. But finding just the right renewable energy mix is proving tough. And, inside Hamas, the Shura Council is the main consultative body that chooses a leader in their politburo. We learn about Hamas leadership and how their command structure operates. Also, a recent hack of the genetic testing company 23andMe has left millions of people around the world with their personal data available online. Plus, a missionary's ill-fated mission. 

Our listener-funded newsroom can’t run without your support. Will you give today to keep our newsroom running strong and help us earn a $67,000 match?