Haunted House of Wills, Part Two | Grave Talks CLASSIC

Dec 20, 2023, 04:00 PM

This is a Grave Talks CLASSIC EPISODE!

Sometimes, a building just speaks to you. Something about it comes alive and reaches out to grab your imagination and focus. For me, the haunted House of Wills is one of those places. The haunting images of its decaying insides line many websites of both paranormal investigators and urban explorers. For many years, it was left to rot. During this time, many investigators and adventure seekers discovered something not so welcoming behind its doors.

With a storied history that leads back to the turn of the century, what is now known as the Haunted House of Wills was once a German social club, speakeasy, hospital, and, in its last incarnation for many years, a funeral home. Rumors of murders, mafia involvement, and unsavory business practices plagued many of its owners while it was in operation. This is Part Two of our conversation.
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