Sunday Moment Series: Episode #20

Dec 18, 2023, 06:49 PM

"Embracing the Essence of Advent: A Season of Hope, Anticipation, and Renewal" As the hustle and bustle of the holiday season engulfs our world, it's easy to get swept away in the whirlwind of festivities, gift-giving, and social engagements. Amidst the joyous chaos, we often overlook the true essence of the season – a time for reflection, spiritual growth, and a renewed connection with our faith. Advent, the four-week period leading up to Christmas, offers a sacred space to pause, reflect, and prepare our hearts for the arrival of Christ. It's a season of anticipation, hope, and preparation, inviting us to delve deeper into the meaning behind the festivities and rediscover the transformative power of faith. During Advent, we embark on a journey of spiritual introspection, guided by the themes of hope, peace, love, and joy. Each week, we light an Advent candle, symbolizing the growing anticipation of Christ's birth.

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Introducing the "Sunday Morning" Series

Let's take a moment to reflect and refresh our commitment to faith with the Sunday Morning Experience. This program aims to provide our audience with a range of Sunday Moments, Memories, and Expressions that they can cherish. The series is hosted by Randi Leffall and presents a framework of our faith in God.

Howard Thurman, an African-American pastor who was born in 1899 and passed away in 1981, experienced the most difficult times of segregation, with his grandparents having been slaves. In 1949, he published "Jesus and the Disinherited". Although the post-war era was a prosperous time for the average American, African Americans remained subject to the same discriminatory laws and practices as before the war. According to Thurman, they were the disinherited, a group of people who felt trapped with "their backs against the wall."


For many of us, our connection to music, culture, and community started in church. However, over time and through the growth of several denominations, we've lost sight of the harmonious essence of Sundays. With the "Sunday Morning" Series, we hope to rekindle that spirit and bring people closer to their faith.