Sunday Moment Series : Episode 21 (Christmas Eve) Remembered Whispers: Unraveling the Tapestry of Memory with Howard Thurman's "Medication of the Heart"

Dec 29, 2023, 08:57 PM

Remembered Whispers: Unraveling the Tapestry of Memory with Howard Thurman's "Medication of the Heart"

Do you ever feel like memories slip through your fingers like grains of sand? Or perhaps they lie dormant, waiting to be unearthed and reassembled into a coherent narrative of your past. This podcast delves into the intricate workings of memory, its fragility and resilience, guided by the profound wisdom of Howard Thurman's "Medication of the Heart."

Thurman, a renowned theologian and civil rights leader, saw memory as more than a personal archive; it was a sacred tapestry woven from experiences, relationships, and the whispers of our ancestors. Each episode, we'll explore a different thread in this tapestry, using Thurman's insights as a lens to examine:

  • The Fragile Art of Remembering: We'll grapple with the elusiveness of memory, the biases that shape our recollections, and the power of forgetting. How do we reconcile the past with the present, and what lessons can we glean from its faded hues?

  • Remembering Ourselves: We'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, using Thurman's concept of "inner knowing" to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of our own memories. How do we reclaim lost fragments of our identities and piece together a sense of wholeness?

  • Remembering Together: Memory is not a solitary venture; it's a communal tapestry woven from shared experiences and inherited narratives. We'll explore the power of collective memory, its role in shaping culture and identity, and the responsibility we hold to remember not just ourselves, but the stories of those who came before us.

Through intimate conversations with historians, psychologists, and everyday storytellers, we'll uncover the hidden depths of memory. We'll laugh, cry, and ponder as we explore the ways our past shapes who we are, and how remembering, in all its complexity, can become a powerful tool for healing, growth, and transformation.

Join us on this journey through the labyrinth of memory, guided by the gentle wisdom of Howard Thurman's "Medication of the Heart." Let's remember together, and in doing so, discover the whispers of truth that echo within us all.