#TONIGHT:The show begins as the Southern Border with the puzzle why the Biden Administration has permitted millions of migrants to enter the USA, many without theEnglish language or many employment prospects, and now the same Administration scrambles to n

Jan 04, 12:04 AM

#TONIGHT:The show begins as the Southern Border with the puzzle why the Biden Administration has permitted millions of migrants to enter the USA, many without theEnglish language or many employment prospects, and now the same Administration scrambles to negotiate with Mexico on slowing the parade. Then to Colorado and Maine about the GOP primary ballot that may go directly to SCOTUS to resolve.  To Beijing and Shanghai, to Mao and the R Guards 1966 and the South China Sea 2023. To the elections in Panama, DR, El Salvador, Mexico, Uruguay, perhaps Venezuela --  all in 2024. To Boca Chica and Io.  Much emphasis on elections 2024!

1899 Merida Venezuela