Thursday, January 4: Why Was The State Capitol Evacuated; Plans For The Former New Haven Coliseum Site; 2024 Psychic Predictions

Jan 04, 06:30 PM

An evacuation of the State Capitol building happened Wednesday after reports of a bomb threat. Chaz and AJ spoke with Vinny Candelora, who admitted there probably wasn't too many folks in the building, as it is still technically in lockdown due to Covid. (0:00)

Live Nation's Jimmy Koplik shared his thoughts on the new plans for the space in New Haven that was once occupied by the New Haven Coliseum, the potential of OzzFest returning, and his thoughts on Rage Against the Machine splitting up. (9:52)

What should we prepare for in 2024? Psychic Nikki was on to share her thoughts on robots robbing banks, earthquakes in China and New Haven, and why Meghan Markle should stay away from horses. (30:48)

Dumb Ass News - A pet pig set fire to a home in Pennsylvania, but nobody on the show was blaming the pig. (43:42)

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