Are you filled with anxiety, do you grind your teeth? Let's talk about it
Season 1, Episode 195, Jan 16, 2024, 02:09 PM
Do you clinch and grind your teeth? Do you feel full of anxiety and not sure what your next steps are? Let's talk about fear, anxiety, overwhelm and how it's effects on the body from mental health, cardiovascular and dental health. Yes, it affects your whole body! Listen Today!
Thank you Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare powered by Meridian Health Institute, Eddie Vee with Vee Productions for his production of all our social media needs and videos. Reach out to us @Everydayhealthhacker, @meridianhealthinstitute, email and or call us at 281-265-6565, We want to be your resource of medical and dental information for you, your family and loved ones.
Hosts Michael Herzing (@mikeherzing and @let'stalkwheels and Dr. Liza Leal @everydayhealthhacker