Jan 14, 2024, 08:06 PM

Happy New Year pilgrims! Welcome back and welcome to 2024. This episode (our last recorded in 2023) we discuss Eli Roth’s holiday-themed slasher, THANKSGIVING.  
Is the movie a new annual tradition or is it just another seasonal annoyance? Listen and find out. 

"Show some enthusiasm. Thanksgiving is an institution here. It's Thanks-fucking-giving! Every weapon he's using is straight off a Thanksgiving table. This year, there will be... no leftovers!" It's the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 402!

As always, if you enjoy the show, please consider joining our Patreon subscribers. That means for less than the cost of a beer, or whatever reasonably affordable means you use to temporarily alleviate or deny the pain of living, you get bonus content and exclusive merchandise. We’re also planning on reworking our Patreon tiers and such as we get going again. Most importantly, you get to help us continue doing the show.

Sincere thanks once again to all of you listeners and Patreon for your ongoing support. Thanks as always as well to @calgee for his amazing original art. Go give him a follow on Instagram. 

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram although we’re basically just lurking our ass off most of the time.