Monday January 15, 2024: In the Face; Running Late; Anna and Raven Dictionary

Jan 15, 02:29 PM

Are there unspoken office rules? Anna has strict rules about office hallway greetings!

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending including the reason everyone is so blue today!

It’s nice to play a game on your phone in your free time, but if you’re spending money on it, that’s all I need to know about you!

Walmart can be great for people watching, but if you work there, you’ll certainly need to take break and vent every once in a while!

Did you have a dumb argument this weekend? Producer Sean got caught up in a debate about how to deal with a delayed NFL game!

Do you ever feel like every day there is a new slang word you don’t understand? Anna and Raven have decided to create their own dictionary to keep track! 

Have you ever been late to something and it was a huge problem? Producer Sean was late for a company event and he didn’t even have the decency to quietly take his seat!

When was the last time you got hit in the face? Producer Jon accidently hit himself in the face and almost gave himself a black eye!

Rebecca’s holiday party happens late in January because she works in the restaurant industry. She doesn’t want her husband, Nate, to come this year. Last year, he was embarrassingly drunk and even though he swears not to drink or act out this year, she just thinks to save face he should sit this one out. He thinks she’s overreacting. Her co-workers will make fun of him, not her! Plus, he’ll be designated driver and it’ll be fun! She still just doesn’t want to feel uncomfortable. What would you do?

Britney has got a shot at $3900! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!