Changing the Neural Pathways - William Porter

Episode 270,   Jan 26, 12:44 PM

Janey chats to William Porter author of Alcohol Explained about how the neural pathways work, and how we can make a committment that we will stick to...A reminder of Family Constellations, and a webinar on What does it mean to be a sober coach ?

Well done if you've made it to the end of Dry January, hopefully you've seen some benefits and you're keeping going!  Keep on focusing only on what you're gaining, and the many benefits that will be coming your way. Janey shares more tips and there is a chance to hear part of the Setting your intentions session with William Porter, author of Alcohol Explained, on how our brain works, and how we can work with our unconscious mind to ensure that we stick to what we have decided we want!

If you've thought of becoming a Sober Coach or you'd like to do the training for your own personal transformation, join us for a free webinar on Wed 21 Feb
What does it mean to be a sober coach ?   Register here
Our next Training is April 26-27 starting with 2 days in Herts, but can also be done online.

If you want to deep dive into changing your limiting beliefs join us for Family Constellations in York on Sunday 25 Feb - all details here

Another Champneys retreat, and one day retreats TBC