Closer to Hell, Part One | Grave Talks CLASSIC

Jan 29, 11:00 AM

This is a Grave Talks CLASSIC EPISODE!

Jack Kenna is a Paranormal Investigator, as well as an Author, Public Figure, and Adjunct Teacher of his college courses on Paranormal Research. Since 2009, he is also an active paranormal investigator. Jack published several books, including Hauntings, Ghosts & Demons, and then in June 2018, his second book, Paranormal Research. He’s been involved in countless cases, with the goal of helping and healing those paranormally affected. Today we hear his story on The Grave Talks.

What happened when Jack discovered himself involved in a possession case?

How is it possible for a human to physically transform during an exorcism?

What made the woman having the exorcism angry during the exorcism?
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