Tuesday, January 30: New London Church 911 Calls; Onstage Concert Rants; Bathroom Disco Party

Jan 30, 2024, 05:33 PM

Last week, Chaz and AJ learned about Reynaud's syndrome, which Ruth admitted to having. She explains what happens to her hands and fingers in the cold, and then we all heard a new "commercial" she participated in. (0:00)

The 911 calls from the New London church collapse have been released. Chaz and AJ went through the ones they could find and were impressed with how quickly the operators were able to get the callers on and off. (4:50)

Audio from a viral video of Richard Marx losing it on an audience member, and calls from the Tribe about the onstage rants they've witnessed during concerts. (20:04)

Dumb Ass News - A growing trend in the Midwest, is convenience store bathrooms that turn into disco parties. (36:58)