A Dark World, Part One | Grave Talks CLASSIC

Feb 07, 11:00 AM

This is a Grave Talks CLASSIC EPISODE!

Can a person who is possessed in life appear to be a demon on the other side?

By living with an Aunt who practiced Santeria in the house where Dan Rivera grew up, he knew that spirits are real. That spirits have power. Also, the living can interact and influence the direction of both good and evil spirits. As Dan grew older, he knew he wanted to use his knowledge and gifts to help those afflicted by ghosts. He has done so by following in the steps of Ed and Lorraine Warren as the lead investigator of the New England Society for Paranormal Research. Today, we discuss demons, possessions, the state of the world, the seemingly dark path that we’ve been on, and how to protect ourselves from falling victim to the demonic.

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