Ep: 8 Part 2 with Laura Nina

Episode 8,   Feb 14, 10:29 AM

This is Part 2 of an interview with the incredible Truth Seeker, Laura Nina. 

Laura began her online journey of seeking and speaking truth around world issues in 2020. The Plandemic started her on her journey of finding out what was really happening during that time, and she has interviewed some of the most interesting people and inspired people to continue to seek truth. Social Media, being the beast that it is, has presented its challenges and we talk a bit about that in this podcast. 
This is one of my favourite episodes, as we spoke about what the last 4 years have been like hosting interviews with people all over the world about what was really happening during 'Covid'. I feel a really kindred connection to Laura and we get into some really incredible esoteric topics around why we are here and what makes us who we are.