The Haunted Birdcage Theatre, Part One | Grave Talks CLASSIC

Feb 27, 11:00 AM

This is a Grave Talks CLASSIC EPISODE!

Initially opened on December 26, 1881, the haunted Birdcage Theatre in Tombstone, AZ, has a very dark story to tell. Once shrouded in murder, illicit activity, and nefarious intent, the haunted Birdcage Theatre was and still is a hotbed of negative energy. Do all the spirits who haunt the Birdcage Theatre have negative intent, or are they simply victims of its former patrons? It truly was a stop, and an innocent passerby would have been better off skipping by in its day. Today, the spirits or energy of those who passed by the theatre only to meet their demise still linger around the Birdcage. Author and paranormal investigator Steven Blackwell tells the story.

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