Monday February 26, 2024: Name Hacks; Lies We Tell Ourselves; What’s Wrong With Your House

Feb 26, 02:15 PM

Episode image
An HR professional has put out a list of the three things you should never do at work! Unfortunately, Anna and Raven have been guilty of all of them!

Did you have a dumb argument this weekend? Anna got into a disagreement with her 5-year-old over the existence of a common household pest!

Watching your grandchildren should be a joy and a privilege, so if you charge your kids for watching their kids, that’s all I need to know about you!

Do you have a trick for remembering people’s names? Anna has a method that usually works, until she went to an event over the weekend and found herself in a tough situation!

Have you bought yourself a Stanley Cup yet?  Play Craig’s List Price is Right!  If you can guess the price of a crazy item on Craig’s list, Anna and Raven will give you a free Anna and Raven signature Stanley Cup!

Is there something wrong with your house? Raven’s wife Alicia swears that a part of their home always smells gross because of something the previous owners did!

What lies do you tell yourself? Anna tells herself the same lie every Monday, and today is no exception!

Rich and Lorraine have a 22-year-old daughter that lives at home with them. She has seemingly falling into the wrong crowd. Dad believes he should pull their daughter aside and have a conversation with her about the path she is going down, and that she needs to let go of these toxic friends and find new ones. Mom says he has no right to do that. She is 22 now and can make her own decisions. She needs to learn these lessons on her own sometimes whether he likes it or not. Who’s side are you on?

Jackie has got a shot at $1200! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!