Wednesday February 28th, 2024: Dorito Theory, Grossest Food, Is Producer Sean Out of Line

Feb 28, 02:06 PM

Would you let your child attend a Willy Wonka experience? Probably not the one that was advertised in Scotland..

People swear by this sleep aid as a method to help you fall asleep faster, but can everyone on the show stomach it?

If you do THIS while driving a car, that is all I need to know about you!

What’s the Dorito Theory and how can it help you break your social media addiction? One thing is for sure, we want Dorito’s now.

Producer Sean refused to let his girlfriend take care of their baby because she was sick. Is he out of line?

Couples Court: Jamie and Susannah can’t agree. Someone keeps going to her father’s grave and leaving flowers and small trinkets. She doesn’t know who it is and she’s annoyed. Her mother is buried in Austria, and she feels like it’s weird that a stranger is doing this after six years of him being gone. She wants to stake out the place and reach out to the people in charge at the cemetery to monitor it. Maybe it’s someone who’s putting the stuff on the wrong grave. Her husband says to leave it alone, no one is doing anything to deface the headstone, who knows what they’ll uncover? Just let it be. What would you do?

Have you ever had a bad meal that someone else has cooked? Would you tell them if it was terrible!?

Does Pamela have what it takes to beat Raven and win the $1,400 jackpot?! How well would you have done?

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending.

Have you bought yourself a Stanley Cup yet? Play Craig’s List Price is Right!  If you can guess the price of a crazy item on Craig’s list, Anna and Raven will give you a free Anna and Raven signature Stanley Cup!