7-Final Statement

Episode 15,   Mar 06, 09:40 AM

Perhaps salvation is obtained by union with the Supreme Being in the silent ecstasy experienced by the Mystic, the necessary conditions for which are holy stillness and the overcoming of the sense perceptions. But the mechanism has not quite abandoned the standpoint of Greek philosophy, which is that man is to obtain his deliverance by his own power. Still, this is on the way to seeking help from God. The disciple is advised to pray to the one for the grace to conceive of such a God. Then through God's mercy he will pass into an immortal body, quitting his own. He then becomes a man of regeneration of rebirth, a man by the will of God. When the meeting with the divine is accomplished, the difference between the contemplator and contemplated vanishes. God may only be observed or experienced, not described. It is an illumination that gives certainty that God exists, not knowledge of what he is.   By this meeting, perhaps man's divine enlightenment and rebirth brings salvation.