9-But You Already Know, Don't You?

Episode 17,   Mar 06, 12:27 PM

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you can ask questions all you want as you talk to yourself you know but realize it's a bit like staring directly at a faint star.  as you squint in greater and greater detail, you eventually find the star has just disappeared.  the proverbial corner of your eye is far more sensitive,  and even if the star doesn't disappear, eventually you'll find you are seeing or hearing what you expected to see all along.  you'll find you are operating under your own hidden preconceptions and assumptions.   you are merely observing yourself you know, like we said earlier, the contemplated becomes one with the contemplator.   It's all reflection.  your reality is just a giant mirror.  and the more you think narrowly, the more you need to listen wider.  it's really all about awareness of being, no matter what the question, the toolkit you try to employ, that's it.  learning to be aware, no matter how you do it, is all that counts.  you knowing you, like the oracles said maybe.   know thyself.  if you have questions, ask away.  you know?  you do know already though.  don't you