Drat & Drake Ep. 16 Veterinary Career Options

Mar 18, 03:17 PM

This episode is a long one but for a good reason!

Drat & Drake discuss many of the various ways a veterinarian could utilize their degree, inside and out of practicing just medicine. We go into the big obvious ones like General Practice, Emergency, Internships & Residencies, but also dive a little into hollistic medicine, social media, entrepreneurship and others. 

As promised in the episode, here are some links to some of our shoutouts!

Dr. Afifa Rahim 's instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dr.fifarahim_leong
The Pawlyclinic's instagram (Dr. Rahim's business) -  https://www.instagram.com/thepawlyclinic

Dr. Meghan Barrett's linktree - https://linktr.ee/drbarrettvet

Dr. Aman Kanwar's clothing company - https://snkskn.com/

Dr. Zonram Liao's instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dr.zonramliao