Emotional Maturity, Teamwork, and 25 years of Marriage :: Bruce and Heather [Ep 458]

Mar 25, 2024, 05:35 AM

Bruce joins me today to discuss 25 years of marriage and answer listener questions like-  What did you learn in year 25 that you wish you knew in year 1? How do you make time for intimacy? How to handle times when your significant other is having a struggle with faith? And, What are you looking forward to when your kids are grown and flown? 

I discuss how I’ve grown in emotional maturity while Bruce talks about how to get out of the ruts and routines of work and family life. We also tackle different personality types and how we handle those when parenting our boys. Teen parenting is hard y’all, there are no formulas but we have learned that teamwork is essential. 

God had been so good and faithful through 25 years of marriage and parenting. Join us today as we share the vulnerable, hard, and good parts of the journey. 

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