Case 1: The Disappearance of Karl Jenkins

Episode 1,   May 13, 08:30 PM

On a cool winter afternoon, the quiet, sprawling grounds of Jeffries Manor were shattered by an event that quickly spiralled into one of the most baffling disappearances in recent history. Detective Karl Jenkins, responding to a disturbance call alongside his partner, vanished without a trace after entering a suspicious shed on the property. What began as a routine call escalated into a full-scale manhunt as Detective Jenkins and the key suspect, Luke Smith, seemingly vanished into thin air. With conflicting witness statements, mysterious motives, and no physical evidence, the investigation quickly turns cold. What really happened at Jeffries Manor on that fateful day? The mystery continues to deepen, with more questions than answers, as each clue only compounds the perplexing puzzle.

Case 1: The Disappearance of Karl Jenkins
Episode Number: 1
Release Date: 14 May 2024

On a cool winter afternoon, the quiet, sprawling grounds of Jeffries Manor were shattered by an event that quickly spiralled into one of the most baffling disappearances in recent history. Detective Karl Jenkins, responding to a disturbance call alongside his partner, vanished without a trace after entering a suspicious shed on the property. What began as a routine call escalated into a full-scale manhunt as Detective Jenkins and the key suspect, Luke Smith, seemingly vanished into thin air. With conflicting witness statements, mysterious motives, and no physical evidence, the investigation quickly turns cold. What really happened at Jeffries Manor on that fateful day? The mystery continues to deepen, with more questions than answers, as each clue only compounds the perplexing puzzle.

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Music and Sound Credits
Intro Theme: Mystery Horror Podcast Intro Logo, HouseofHits
Background Sound: Psychology of Suspense, Crypt-of-Insomnia
Transition Sound: Crime Drama Scene Transition, Contourchromatic

Though the cases presented here are works of fiction, they are frighteningly realistic. All names, locations, and events are fictional. Any resemblance to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

The cases explored can be confronting. To pursue these casefiles further is to intentionally immerse yourself in a realm where reality and meticulously crafted fiction are indistinguishable. Proceed at your own risk.