Offer creation: listening to yourself vs what the market is asking of you

Episode 37,   Apr 03, 02:00 AM

Have you ever thought about an offer for your business that lit you up, the sparks were flying, the energy was flowing, and you found yourself in a sea of content creation that quite frankly you didn’t know you had in you?

Only to then be torn between a deep inner knowing that this offer was the thing you were most excited about in years, maybe ever, but then slowly backing away from it because no one was actually asking you for it?

We don’t know about you, but we didn’t become entrepreneurs to be cookie cutter anything. 

So, today on the Supported CEO podcast, this is the conversation we are having publicly with you and for all of us – we’re saying some things out loud that truly need to be discussed, and we hope that you enjoy it. This is about knowing when to trust yourself, and your vision long-term over what the market is asking you to do short term. Afterall, none of us asked Steve Jobs for the iPhone and yet, here we are.