Demons of Lizzie Borden, Part Two | Grave Talks CLASSIC

Apr 12, 03:00 PM

This is a Grave Talks CLASSIC EPISODE!

Lizzie Borden. Everyone thinks they know the story. Everyone thinks it’s an open and shut case, and maybe there are some playful spirits at what is now a bed and breakfast. Everyone better think again.

In this episode, we dive into the dark story of the Bordens and uncover more than just a tale of murder. But rather a tale of a dark entity that possibly took over several of the Bordens over decades and may still be at work today. Suppose you’ve watched the Discovery Plus documentary on the topic. In that case, we’re going to take you one step deeper as we discuss the case with a man who experienced the spirits of both good and evil firsthand, Sam Baltruesis. This is Part Two of our conversation.

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