Girls' Rick Founder Jesse Miller on RadioStPete's "Lunchtime Conversations"
Season 1, Episode 7360, Apr 05, 2024, 09:40 PM
RadioStPete INSIDER news director Nanette Wiser interviewed Girls Rock founder Jesse Miller about the summer camp for girls, the year-round music efforts, volunteers, showcase bands and how Anika Sky got her start. Girls Rock St. Pete is a non-profit dedicated to empowering girls, gender-expansive folx and women through fearless expression, artistic experimentation and collaboration. “Girls Rock” isn’t just a saying but a community-building force for good, rooted in music, mentorship and love. It’s where girls take up space, love themselves and ROCK OUT. Volunteers are the ones that make it all possible! Girls Rock St. Pete is a little revolution with teeth where girls take up space, love themselves and ROCK OUT. #girlsrock #jessemiller #radiostpeteinsider #nanettewiser #stpete #tampabay #radio #radiostpete