PREVIEW-HIROHITO-HIROSHIMA: Excerpt from a two-hour conversation with Evan Thomas re the decsion by Emperor Hirohito, afte the Hiroshima bomand the reports of perhaps a hundred thousand dead, that he must seek surrender and peace. Hirohito makes the deci

Apr 14, 01:54 PM

PREVIEW-HIROHITO-HIROSHIMA: Excerpt from a two-hour conversation with Evan Thomas re the decsion by Emperor Hirohito, afte the Hiroshima bomb  and the reports of perhaps a hundred thousand dead, that he must seek surrender and peace.  Hirohito makes the decision in part for self-preservation.  Retaliation effectively targets the decision makers, in 1945 Tokyo, in 2024 Tehran.  More of this later tonight.

1940 Hirohito