Results from ASOS, and Equals gets another extension! All the latest news from Taking Stock
Episode 1855, Apr 17, 2024, 03:12 PM
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In today's edition of Taking Stock we look at results from a variety of companies including ASOS, Winkworth and Saga, plus a range of other trading updates. Equals also received an extension to its timetable for ongoing takeover talks.
1:35 #EQLS
4:25 #ATG
6:45 #PRV
8:15 #MORE
12:45 #ARS
13:45 #ASC
23:10 #WINK
33:10 #SAGA
46:20 #DLAR
48:50 #SPEC
In today's edition of Taking Stock we look at results from a variety of companies including ASOS, Winkworth and Saga, plus a range of other trading updates. Equals also received an extension to its timetable for ongoing takeover talks.
1:35 #EQLS
4:25 #ATG
6:45 #PRV
8:15 #MORE
12:45 #ARS
13:45 #ASC
23:10 #WINK
33:10 #SAGA
46:20 #DLAR
48:50 #SPEC