Midweek Takeaway with Colin Bird, Executive Chairman of African Pioneer, Martyn Churchouse, Group senior technical manager and Charles Archer, long-term FTSE/AIM investor and freelance financial analyst #AFP

Season 8, Episode 2,   Apr 23, 2024, 11:12 AM

Welcome to the Midweek takeaway where we unpack the most intriguing investment opportunities and market trends. Today, we're joined by Colin Bird, Chairman of African Pioneer, Martyn Churchouse, Group senior technical manager and Charles Archer, a seasoned journalist and investor. In this episode, we'll delve into African Pioneer, a company with significant stakes in the rapidly evolving copper industry. African Pioneer, listed under LON: AFP, has been navigating the complexities of small-cap investments with a sharp focus on copper—a metal facing a substantial future supply gap as global demand soars. Despite its IPO launch price dip from 3.5p in mid-2021 to under 2p, the company remains a formidable player in the copper sectors of Botswana, Namibia, and Zambia. We’ll explore the strategic moves that set African Pioneer apart in the junior resource market, and discuss the broader implications of copper's global supply challenges highlighted by industry giants like S&P Global and Goldman Sachs.

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The information, investment views, and recommendations in this podcast are provided for general information purposes only. Nothing in this podcast should be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any financial product relating to any companies under discussion or to engage in or refrain from doing so or engaging in any other transaction. Any opinions or comments are made to the best of the knowledge and belief of the commentator but no responsibility is accepted for actions based on such opinions or comments. The commentators may or may not hold investments in the companies under discussion.