Miraya Breakfast Show "with Bero": Inspiring Multi-talented Sudanese Tiktoker

Episode 2716,   Apr 26, 08:08 AM

Displacement in all its forms is nowhere near pleasant. Settling in a new area with its uncertainties can even be worse as some people struggle to adapt to the new environment. Not so, at least in the case of Abrar Issam who had to seek refuge in Juba as the devastating Sudanese war displaced millions of people. She sings, she paints, she sculptures. She puts all this on film as well, Abrah is a Tiktoker and she says she portrays the bright side of Juba. Settling in has not been easy for her but she says intergrating into the community and pushing boundaries helps her navigate the new space that has become home. Listen to her story on Miraya.

Abrar Issam - Content Creator